Customer Stories
We strongly believe that we’re only truly successful if our customers succeed. Here are what other customers are saying about their experience working with Bushel and using our products and services.
AGRIServices of Brunswick
AGRIServices of Brunswick Customer Stories Mike Hainline, AGRIServices of Brunswick “The reason we went with Bushel was simple. It was to make it easier on us and our farmers to access the information we need.” When it came to partnership, AGRIServices of Brunswick turned to Bushel to revolutionize operations and
Connealy Farms
Connealy Farms Customer Stories Quentin Connealy, Connealy Farms “These platforms create transparency between us and our farm, from our input to our finances. It makes it easy for me to see and share with others.” As an early adopter of new technologies, Quentin Connealy is at the forefront of integrating
Luckey Farmers
Luckey Farmers, Inc Customer Stories Andrew Gladden, IT Manager, Luckey Farmers, Inc. “Logging in [to the customer portal] is a streamlined, easy process for our customers. It’s a one-tap login with their phone number and they don’t have to log in again. As our members figure out how easy and
Big River Resources
Big River Resources Customer Stories Allie Hagberg, Commodity Controller, Big River Resources “If you’re looking at placing efficiencies on your employee staff side and for your growers by putting data at their fingertips, definitely the right choice is Bushel.” Big River Resources has four ethanol plants and six elevator locations