The turning of the calendar year brings along a natural time of reflection, planning, and goal setting. We rounded up some questions to reflect upon as you strategize and plan your best year yet: next year.
- Markets are moving fast, and we expect instant communication. How are you communicating with your growers today? Ex. Market fluctuations, changes in hours, weather, program offerings, etc.
- It can take days or weeks to get a contract signed, leaving you at risk. What is your current turnaround timing for sent contracts? Why does it take that long? Who all is involved in getting those done?
- How do your producers track contract deliveries and outstanding quantities/contract balances? How often do you get called to track down that information? What’s the average duration of those phone calls?
- Do you take firm offers today? How? What issues do you have through that process? Who manages the offers/hedges, what else do they do?
- What are some of your biggest challenges? What would you be able to do with saved time? What would reduced risk mean for your business?
- What would happen if you didn’t do anything and kept the process the same?
Bonus Question: What goals do you have for 2023? Increased handle? Number of Growers? Etc. Are you looking to increase your grower count or increase your bushels from your current growers?
Want to increase your offer volume by making it easier for growers? Check out Bushel Trade or contact us!
Are you always on the phone answering questions about scale tickets or contract status? Check out Bushel Mobile.