The Future of Farming: A Look Inside the Farmer of the Future Webinar

In today’s ever-evolving world of agriculture, the challenges farmers face are numerous and dynamic. Three experienced farmers from across the country recently came together for our Farmer of the Future webinar. Moderated by Lacey Seibert, Bushel’s Director of Sales Enablement, the webinar explored challenges, technological advancements, and data management strategies that farmers are grappling with.

While the discussion covered a wide range of topics, one theme consistently emerged: Farmers want the ability to make cash grain offers wherever and whenever it’s most convenient for them. 

The Desire to Make Offers Wherever and Whenever

During the webinar, farmers Max Wenck, Rylee Reynolds, and Matt Perreault shared their experiences and emphasized the importance of being able to make grain offers on their terms. 

“We all have marketing wires and ag news sources that are our go-to places for information. They keep us informed of what’s happening, so we can react when we’re in the combine or in the tractor. Mobile is critical today,” said Wenck, farmer and cattle rancher from Wisconsin. 

Each farmer stressed the importance of having the opportunity to make offers at any time from anywhere. Idaho farmer Reynolds pointed out that farmers are very rarely sitting in their office at their computer. 

“I’m in my  so-called office now, but most of the time, I’m not in here. So for me, marketing happens in the tractor. I need to be able to do it from my phone, keep track of it on my phone, and be mobile. I don’t want to worry about having to go back and say, ‘Did I get that in the right spot? Is the paper trail there?’ If it could just all show up on my phone, that’s where I’m at 90% of the time anyway. Having the capability to make those decisions live on such a small device is huge,” said Reynolds. 

Technological Integrations in Agriculture

The discussion also touched upon the role of technology in modern agriculture. Farmers are increasingly relying on innovative tools and solutions to streamline their operations.

“Eventually, if you could submit that [an offer] from an app or had a software package that then tracks it for you, it would be great because that’s the biggest problem. I’m in the field and I send that text. But then I have to remember to go back and put that into the Excel sheet I developed. If I forget about it, there’s 5,000 bushels I didn’t account for. If something automatically tracked your submissions all in one spot, that’d be awesome,” explained Perreault, a fourth generation farmer from Illinois.

These insights highlight the importance of integrating technology into farming practices, making it easier for farmers to stay connected and access real-time data to make informed decisions.

Introducing Bushel’s Make Offer Solution

To address the farmers’ need for flexibility in making offers, Bushel has a Make Offer feature built into its mobile and desktop apps. The feature empowers farmers to make offers wherever and whenever it suits them and gives your grain origination team the ability to view, accept, or decline those offers within Bushel’s bid, offer, and hedge management platform. 

The Make Offer feature is driving additional origination for Bushel grain company customers. Year-to-date in 2023, our customers who have Mobile Offers enabled saw over a third of their offers come from the app, along with mobile offers accounting for an over 20% better fill rate than desktop offers.

With mobile offers, farmers experience:

  1. Increased convenience: Rather than making an offer over the phone or in person, farmers are able to view their commodity balances (e.g. bushels in storage, on-hold) and cash bids to make informed offers using the app on their smartphone. This lets farmers skip the line and submit offers to their grain buyer in a quick and convenient manner.
  2. Time savings: Submitting and reviewing offers through the mobile app is more efficient for the farmer than a phone call or an in-person conversation. And, of course, that means more time savings for your team as well.
  3. Greater flexibility: Whether farmers are submitting their offers  through Bushel Mobile or providing them to their grain buyer directly, all offer information flows through Bushel Trade and shows up in the Bushel Mobile app. This allows farmers to make and manage offers during and outside of office hours from anywhere.
  4. Reduced risk of error: A built-in confirmation step in the Bushel Mobile app helps farmers and originators ensure offers are entered correctly. Farmers can also withdraw pending offers if they spot incorrect information. Originators and merchandisers can verify offer information in Bushel Trade.

To discover how Bushel’s Make Offer feature can help you navigate the evolving landscape of farming and empower your farmers to make more offers, visit our website

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