Man in the distance looking at a cell phone in a wheat field with a blue sky

FarmLogs® and Nori Connected to Ease Enrollment for Growers into Carbon Marketplace

FARGO, N.D., August 17, 2022 – FarmLogs, a farm management software for growers from Bushel, an independently owned software company and leading provider of software technology solutions for agriculture, announced an in-app integration to allow growers to easily enroll in Nori’s blockchain-backed carbon removal marketplace.

This continues the vision to reduce manual entry for farmers and find more ways to unlock rewards for sustainable farming practices. Growers can opt to share select field-level information required to participate in Nori’s program. This will ease the burden for growers to understand the opportunities for carbon markets.

“Many times work around sustainability initiatives can be very aspirational. This is a great example of real work being done to make it easy for growers to participate in a new revenue opportunity and reward farmers who continue to be stewards of their land,” Dane Braun, Vice President of Farm Strategy at Bushel said. “Verification is no longer about binders full of documentation. Rather, by a click of a button, farmers can control the permission of what they share with Nori for enrollment.”

Nori focuses on carbon removal rather than emissions reductions or avoidances. Its innovative marketplace provides substantial financial rewards to farmers, who use regenerative farming practices that involve soil carbon sequestration. Soil sequestration is the first of Nori’s carbon removal offerings, with additional methodologies coming to market in the future.

“Through working with Bushel, Nori is streamlining the farmers’ experience of enrolling in a carbon market so they can spend their working hours farming, not record chasing,” Rebekah Carlson, the Agriculture Supply Lead at Nori, said. “Our goal is that farmers profit both from the yield of their crop and the accumulation of their soil carbon. We are building a natural partnership with the Bushel team as we share values around supporting farmers, ensuring data privacy and continuously improving our processes.”

Current farm and grain data-permissioning processes are manual and fragmented, resulting in lost productivity and revenue potential. Bushel and FarmLogs’ technologies aim to solve some of the industry’s biggest challenges and bring the grain supply chain together through connected, standardized and properly-permissioned data. Bushel takes an agnostic approach to working with agribusinesses and farmers. Strict data-permissioning and security practices are adhered to throughout Bushel’s ecosystem of agribusiness partners.

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To learn more about FarmLogs visit To learn more about how FarmLogs and Nori are connected visit

About Bushel

Bushel is an independently owned software company and leading provider of software technology solutions for growers, grain buyers, ag retailers, protein producers and food companies, headquartered in Fargo, N.D. Since launching in 2017, Bushel’s platform has grown rapidly, now powering nearly 2,000 grain facilities across the U.S. and Canada with real-time business information for their producers. Bushel’s platform now reaches more than 40% of grain origination in the United States, resulting in inarguably the largest technology network effect among growers and grain buyers in the U.S. today. Bushel’s product suite includes its flagship mobile app, websites, trading tools, digital payments and money facilitation, market feeds, API services, FarmLogs (acquired by Bushel in 2021) and a custom software division focused on agriculture. Bushel has been focused on building software since the company was founded in 2011. Data privacy is a cornerstone of Bushel’s philosophy. Read here Bushel’s Data Ethos.

About Nori

Nori is a carbon removal marketplace based in Seattle, Washington. Founded in 2017, Nori is building the tools farmers need to drive effective and transparent carbon removal. As a company, we’re promoting climate-smart farming practices that improve soil health while helping farmers profit from good land stewardship. As of early 2022, we have paid over $1.6 million to fifteen farmers for storing more than 85k tonnes of carbon in their soils. To bring transparency and true price discovery to carbon programs, Nori is launching our cryptocurrency, the NORI token, which will provide farmers with a digital commodity they can store, control, or trade for cash.

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