Bushel truck in field.

Bushel Quarterly Update: Q3 2021

Here are the improvements to our full line of products and services. The quarterly product development focus was on grain buyers, originators and merchandisers who continue to need tools to strengthen relationships with producers and save time by simplifying how they share information with producers.

Graphic of Bushel Mobile product on phone screens.


  • We know how important accuracy is when doing business at the volumes you operate with. That’s why we’ve improved the precision of grade factors on your scale tickets to ensure your producers are receiving grade factor data points exactly as they appear in the ERP.
  • This update improves the quality of metrics within scale tickets, giving your producers the full, accurate picture of their grain loads. This can reduce phone calls by giving more information to your producers.


  • We recognize that the more producers engage with your mobile app, the better it is for you. But sometimes you might need to create new logins, such as buying grain from a new producer or a producer gets a new phone number. When those logins fail, we’ve updated a workflow to secure that user’s information so you can reach out to them to ensure they’re getting what they need from your app.


  • With in-app webviews, producers never have to leave your Bushel Mobile app to view helpful content on a separate webpage. Grain companies have used this to share camera feeds, discount schedules, or helpful articles found online.


  • Producers can make, manage and modify working offers in their mobile device that flow seamlessly into your Bushel Trade™ platform. From there, you can evaluate, accept or decline these offers as well as hedge future prices automatically.


  • Gain more details into your business and your producers with our newest tool, Bushel Insights. Having key data points to understand your historical transactions with your producers can help strengthen relationships. Bushel Insights gives historical information in a new visualized form and provides access throughout your organization.

“Bushel’s products and services helps our company to be on the cutting edge of customer interfacing technologies in our marketplace.” 

Wayne Pingel, FCA

Data Ethos

We continue to invest in security tools that improve how we prevent, monitor, detect, and react to any security issues. As more people rely on Bushel when they sign on, we want to emphasize that our data privacy policies do not change with each new integration, partner, or user.  As we have integrated with some of the larger ag companies,this has only strengthened our data integrity to benefit all customers.

Vision & Gratitude

One of our main goals is to develop tools that build and solidify relationships between elevators and producers. While Bushel Mobile continues to consistently deliver value, we want to support even more of your goals. We want your producers to be able to make offers – anytime, anywhere, through their Bushel Mobile device. Equipping them with the tools they need to execute their marketing plan creates a tremendous competitive advantage for your grain facility. Viewing futures/cash bids, making an offer, signing a contract electronically, and recording that settlement data can all be completed through your white-labeled app. Multiple digital touchpoints provide additional opportunities for you to have conversations with your growers, strengthening relationships while streamlining workflows.


  • In June 2021, we welcomed the FarmLogs team into Bushel. Our goal is to continue ensuring FarmLogs is the best Farm Management software system for growers. We do this by focusing on the ease of use and overall quality of the user experience.   
  • That user experience includes reducing the need for manual data entry. Producers now have the ability to seamlessly transfer data between their equipment and their FarmLogs account via a new integration that links FarmLogs to John Deere Operations Center, and CNHi AFS/PLM Connect.  
  • With the integration, producers can use the machine data to make more informed business decisions throughout the year without the hassle of manual data entry through one simple activation process. 

Community Outreach and Impact

This past summer, we had incredible opportunities to get out and meet with each other, our customers, the ag industry and our local community. Additionally, we look forward to giving back. Lending a hand and helping your neighbor are classic values embodied in the ag industry that we try to reflect every day as well. We hosted a number of different events and are encouraging pledges for payroll deduction donations for the 2021 United Way campaign

Ask Bushel Anything (ABA)

Why is Bushel launching new products instead of expanding its features for mobile?

  • As you can see from our product updates, we are still continuing to provide valuable updates and experiences to Bushel Mobile. But when we look at what it takes to build the digital infrastructure for agriculture, it requires more than a mobile app. We want elevators to be able to see and manage bids, hedge those offers and manage the various parts of settlements. As we look at the digital infrastructure, we have to continue to build out what that complete picture is.
  • If we’re truly your digital partner, we need to look at how to get better access and signups for your customers for sustainability and carbon programs. We have applications for operational efficiency but also how can we build digital tools to give even more opportunity for your elevator into your future?

How will Bushel’s partnerships with large industry players impact my product/service?

  • By bringing someone of the larger players in agriculture onto the Bushel platform accelerates our work. Things like improved data security secures data for companies of all sizes. Some of the feature sets we’re bringing to the market have been accelerated because of these partnerships. There are opportunities to give all of our customers more robust offerings.

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