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View Offers for
Bushel Trade

Empower your producers with real-time offer viewing

Bushel Mobile’s View Offer feature extends your app’s functionality by adding a critical piece of the grain contracting, fulfillment, and settlement workflow: the ability for producers to see all of their offer activity (filled, working, canceled or rejected offers) with you.

Visibility to what your office is entering and what your producers see helps mitigate the risk that an offer will be executed at an incorrect price, quantity or missed altogether. And with handy access to offer history, you’re providing your producers critical information to help guide their marketing strategy – another value add that helps to strengthen relationships.

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The tool producers need to stay proactive

Successful producers know that the key to a profitable year hinges on understanding the big picture and having a sound marketing plan. Without quick access to offer history, it’s easy to lose track of goals and position – particularly in today’s volatile markets.

With View Offers enabled for Bushel Mobile, your producers are equipped with a digital ledger of their offer activity with you and your company, giving them the insights they need to make the right marketing decisions.

How View Offers, Bushel Mobile, and Bushel Trade work together.

As an extension to Bushel Trade, View Offers integrates with multiple Bushel offerings to deliver a seamless experience for you and your end users. Here’s how it works:

Update your cash bids with the Bushel Trade.  These refreshed bids are now published to your Bushel website and Bushel Mobile apps. 

A producer views the cash bids in their Bushel Mobile app, and places an offer with your front office.

Your merchandiser enters the offer into Bushel Trade. Bushel Trade applies zero-touch offer adjustments to avoid manual revisions to working offers when cash bids change.

Your producers can now view the details of their working offer, including price, commodity, expiration date, and status.

The filled offer is listed and stored in the mobile offer view for future reference.

What else can you do with Bushel Trade?

View Offers is among Bushel Trade's many powerful features. View the growing list to see the other jobs it can help you tackle.

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2024 Bushel Buddy Seat Conference: Join us in Fargo June 11-12 for networking, learning and more.