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Outbound Scale Tickets for Bushel Mobile

Enhance your Bushel Mobile Experience with Essential Delivery and Purchase Information

Outbound Scale Tickets display key scale ticket data for products leaving your facility. A must-have feature for processors, Outbound Scale Tickets help eliminate frustrating logistical hurdles for your business while ensuring accurate purchase and delivery information for your customers.

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Ease Your Inventory Management Pains

There’s never a quiet day at your processing facility. Balancing storage requirements and outbound deliveries is a persistent challenge. And there’s nothing more frustrating than seeing your once-efficient yard turn into a bottleneck because you’re too busy trying to track down open loads.

Outbound Scale Tickets help prevent these logistical barriers by giving you and your customers easy access to outbound purchase and delivery data. These insights will provide you with a better understanding of delivery obligations and equip your customers with valuable information for planning and managing their products.

How Outbound Scale Tickets, Bushel Mobile, and Bushel Admin Tool work together.

Outbound Scale Tickets document information on a co-product immediately after a truck leaves your scales. That data is available for your Bushel Mobile users by clicking the “Outbound Ticket” link, and can be accessed by your processor facility within the Data Viewer in the Bushel Admin tool.

What else can you do with Bushel Mobile?

Outbound Scale Tickets are one of Bushel Mobile’s many features. View the entire list of features to see what other jobs that it can help you tackle.

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