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New Feature: Group Notifications

Customize your notifications to targeted groups of growers and/or locations. 

Group Notifications FAQ

Who can create groups?

Any user with access to the Bushel Admin is able to create groups. Admin users are able to view (and edit) all groups, whereas users assigned with lesser permissions are only able to view the groups they created. 

Who can I add to a group?

Group Notifications can be sent to users, locations, or a combination of both.

  1. Users

Generally speaking, if you’ve done business with a grower via your Bushel-powered app, that individual is considered a user.

  1. Locations

The collection of users within another location’s data set. All users “linked” to a location/facility will receive notifications when their location is selected.

How do I edit my groups?
  1. Click the Manage Groups tab
  2. Click the icon

To add a user/location: enter the name in the search bar, and click on the candidate you’d like to assign to the group.

To delete a user/location: click the small “x” next to the candidates name

  1. Click Yes
How do I delete my groups?
  1. Click the Manage Groups tab
  2. Click the icon
  3. A “Are you sure you want to delete this group?” message appears. Click the Yes button.
Can I schedule a group notification?

Yes! Scheduled group notifications are supported. The process is the same as an individual or global notification. 

What happens if I add a new user to a scheduled notification?

New users are immediately appended to the group scheduled to receive the message. As long as the message isn’t in the process of being deployed, the new user will receive the group notification. 

Can I add a group within a group (nest groups)?

No. At this time, this functionality is not supported. 

What if I send out a group notification to a user assigned to multiple locations?

Your grower will only receive one notification. 

2024 State of the Farm Available: U.S. farmers surveyed on ag tech, grain marketing, sustainability, payments, and more.